Friday, December 11, 2009

Can I do this?

I'm sitting here on a Friday night wondering were I went did I end up this 295 pound women? How did I end up married to someone who has no care for our child or for our finances..he's out right now spending money only two weeks before Christmas...he drives me crazy. The Sunday before Thanksgiving he takes our son to a football game...really...where is the money coming from. I'm working two jobs 70 hours a week on top of being a mother/wife/maid. Our house if two months behind in our mortgage. I need to make here I am...I'm here to starting finding myself..putting myself first. I'm tired to being fat...I'm tired to not making the right amount of money. I'm just tired. I'm never going to be happy if I just keep sitting here doing nothing to change it. So I will...I vow right now on December 11th at 10:15pm that I will change...I will be putting myself first, I will lose 30 lbs by Feb 9th from now til I will write what I am doing..possible post pictures..that will take a lot of strength for me to post that... then I will post here my weekly weight in...Every Friday I will post my I weight Feb 9th I will weight 265....until tomorrow...